Imagine being a child on Christmas. You weren’t paying much attention to the designs on your presents, but the biggest box always felt like the best.

Judging an item before it’s opened is an ingrained part of human nature. When you grow up, packaging design can be the difference between purchasing it or putting it back on the shelf.

That makes it essential for businesses to get right. Read on for five key benefits of hiring a packaging design agency.

1. Expertise and Experience

Professional packaging services bring one of the most valuable things any professional can bring; experience. They know every step of the process. This lets them create solutions that are visually appealing, cost-effective, and fit your brand.

Look for proof of this experience when trying to choose the right packaging designer. Check out their portfolio and get testimonials from past clients. Ask for quotes to compare prices.

2. Brand Recognition and Differentiation

A professional can offer brand packaging tips. They’ll incorporate your unique elements such as:

  • Logos
  • Colors
  • Typography
  • Messaging

This helps create a consistent, cohesive brand identity. Customers will recognize your products on the shelf more easily. They’ll start to trust your brand. That makes them more likely to buy from you again and again.

It takes only 10 seconds for a consumer to form an opinion about a logo but 5-7 impressions before they become aware of a brand. Well-designed packages give them more positive impressions.

Creative packaging design helps you stand out from your competitors. 74% of consumers say they have chosen one product over another solely because of the packaging.

Standing out also means keeping up with the time. Designers also know how to keep you current. They’ll help you keep up with the latest packaging trends without stepping too far away from your core brand identity.

3. Guaranteed Quality

Packaging is a seemingly simple area where frequent mistakes are made. These can include:

  • Not providing enough protection
  • Overly complicated designs
  • Excessive packaging
  • Packages that are difficult to open
  • Inaccurate design elements
  • Misrepresenting the product inside

A packaging design agency minimizes these mistakes. They’re professionals who will go over your designs over and over until they make sure it’s high-quality and error-free.

4. Cost-Effective, Efficient Design

A design agency is an investment, but it’s a worthwhile one. It can help streamline your packaging process and save time. 

The agency also has valuable connections in the industry. They can negotiate with printers and packaging manufacturers to get better rates and save you money. 

5. Higher Profitability

The many design agency benefits you’ll enjoy also translate to more sales and profit. 

Packaging has a major impact on purchase decisions. You can’t afford not to leave packaging design in the hands of a professional.

Pick the Proper Packaging Design Agency

Hiring a packaging design agency gives you an experienced team. They’ll improve your branding and product quality, make your design process more cost-effective and efficient, and increase your profitability.

Packaging Fulfillment has been providing packaging solutions across the state of Tennessee and surrounding areas for over 28 years. Our in-depth knowledge of the packaging industry and commitment to customer service sets us apart. Contact us for a quote today.