43% of US consumers say that environmental impact is a top priority when choosing packaging, according to a survey by McKinsey. That’s nearly half of the market, and it’s growing every day. If your packaging still relies on traditional materials, it’s not just a missed opportunity, but also a potential risk. 

Environmental concerns aren’t going away, and consumers are becoming more selective. This means the transition to environmentally friendly packaging is about more than just protecting the planet. It’s also about future-proofing your business. 

The good news? Shifting to sustainable materials isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Read on to discover our simple steps that will get you closer to greener and smarter packaging.

Assess Your Current Packaging Needs

The first step in transitioning to environmentally friendly packaging is understanding your current packaging setup. Are you using excessive amounts of plastic, or are your products overpackaged?

Start by examining:

An honest evaluation will give you a clear picture of what needs to change. Many businesses find that they can reduce waste simply by downsizing packaging or eliminating unnecessary layers. This not only benefits the environment but also helps lower costs in the long run.

Research Sustainable Packaging Materials

There are numerous eco-friendly packaging options available today to make it easier for businesses to make the switch. Many materials are becoming increasingly accessible to all.

These include:

  • Recycled paper
  • Biodegradable plastics
  • Plant-based alternatives 

Companies like Dell have adopted sustainable packaging solutions by using materials like bamboo packaging to reduce their environmental footprint. Research your industry’s options and look for materials that meet both your sustainability goals and practical needs. Sustainable packaging solutions are not one-size-fits-all, so it’s important to find what works best for your products.

Partner with a Reliable Supplier

Finding a supplier that offers green packaging methods is key to a successful transition. Look for one that prioritizes sustainability in its supply chain and can offer a wide range of eco-friendly options. 

Many businesses find success by partnering with suppliers that are transparent about their sourcing and production processes. This step ensures that your packaging aligns with your environmental goals such as sustainable shipping practices while maintaining the quality and protection your products require.

Redesign Packaging for Efficiency

Once you’ve selected sustainable materials, it’s time to rethink the design. A great place to start is by reducing material use. 

Lightweighting is one common approach, where packaging is made lighter without sacrificing durability.

You can also consider reusable packaging tips, like using refillable containers for certain products or designing packaging that serves multiple purposes. This not only reduces waste but can also improve customer loyalty by offering more value.

Why Environmentally Friendly Packaging Matters

Switching to environmentally friendly packaging benefits your business and the planet. By following these simple steps, you can cut costs, appeal to eco-conscious customers, and meet evolving sustainability standards. Choosing the right supplier is critical to making this transition efficient and successful. 

Packaging Fulfillment offers unique advantages with vendor-managed inventory, an in-house manufacturing team, and over 28 years of industry expertise. Our one-stop solution simplifies your supply chain while providing top-tier products and support. Contact us today to get started on your journey to sustainable packaging that works for your business.